Informal Greeting
Cześć (cheshch) - Hi
Jak się masz? (yac shye mash) - How are you?
Dobrze (dobzheh) - Good/well
Miło mi. (mee-wo mee) - Nice to meet you.
Formal Greeting
Dzień dobry. (djane dobryh) - Good morning/day.
Jak się Pan(i) ma? (yak shye pan(i) ma) - How are you sir/madam?
Dziękuję dobrze. (dsjencooyah dobzheh) - Good. Thank you.
Good to know
Prosze (prosheh) - Please
Dziękuję (dsjencooyah) - Thank you
Przepraszam (psheprasham) - Excuse me / Sorry
Dobry wieczór (dobryh veechoorh) - Good evening
Dobranoc (dobrahnots) - Good night
Do widzenia (doh vitseneeah) - Good bye
Tak (takh) - Yes
Nie (nyeh) - No
Nie rozumiem (nyeh rozoomieam) - I don't understand.
Pasta do zębów - Toothpaste
Woda minerala - Mineral water
Kawa - Coffee
Herbata (hair-bought-a) - Tea
Herbata z lodem - Iced tea
Mleko (mlake-o) - Milk
Sok - Juice
Masło (mass-wo) - Butter
Ser (sair) - Cheese
Cukier (tsook-air) - Sugar
Chleb (hlep) - Bread
Thanks for posting useful Polish words - problem is figuring out if what is in parentheses actually uses all or just some of the vowels/consonants shown and are they long or short sounds.....what's wrong with my receptor brain cells?